What’s your favorite flower?

Q: What’s your favorite flower?

* Daisy.
* Today, gladiolus!

And why?

* Daisies are so bright, they totally make me happy. Life is simple. Daisies are simple. They are proponents of the idea that life is good. Sunflowers are awesome too!
* Gladiolus is a neat, neat flower – tall, majestic, and lively – many blossoms on its stem.

Today is Question Friday, please add your answers! :)

3 thoughts on “What’s your favorite flower?

  1. I like sunflowers and daisies too. Sunflowers because they’re so big and yellow/orange, and they just make me feel good. Daisies because I think of them as fun and flirty in that “girl next door” kind of way, unaware of their charm.

    I’m hard-pressed to think of ANOTHER flower I like…morning glories maybe? They were all over the place when I was growing up, and I would see them walking to the school bus. Didn’t think much of it then, but the image in my mind is nice. I also like cherry blossoms, when the cherry trees are covered with them, and when the wind blows and shakes the petals down.

    But every flower is pretty interesting, when you take the time to look at them closely. For example, I was looking at flowers on my basil plant…they were very small, with the matter-of-factness of cotton underwear, but beautiful.

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