What questions do you want me to ask?

I was talking to a friend recently, and asking what other questions I should ask on the site, and he said, “Hey, why not ask what questions people want to answer?” I thought, “Hey!” So here we are. :)

Q: What questions would be most fun for Friday questions?! What questions would you have most fun answering?

My answers:
* What’s the coolest experience you’ve ever had?
* What’s the thing you’re most proud of having done in elementary school?
* Describe your best friend from when you were growing up.
* What are some of the most beautiful things or places you’ve ever seen?
* What’s the most unusual feeling you’ve ever had?

Thanks! Really looking forward to reading your thoughts about questions that you want to be asked!

Each Friday, I post a question. I would love it if you feel like answering the question! Thanks. (I’m a big fan of privacy also, so if you don’t want to use your name, just use an initial or just write “anonymous,” and if you don’t want to put your email address for privacy reasons, just put mine – it’s at the link ‘email me’ above.)

8 thoughts on “What questions do you want me to ask?

  1. * Who do you most admire, and why?
    * What do you aspire towards professionally? Personally? How do they interrelate?
    * What’s the thing you’re most proud of doing as an adult?

  2. Hey L, I like the last one a lot!

    Chris, I’m a big fan of that question actually – that one will definitely get asked… because I wonder why people choose the cities and towns that they choose to live in.

    Lila, really like this question: * What do you aspire towards professionally? Personally? How do they interrelate? Like it a lot. It’s clear and so full of information – about what a person values, what’s important to a person. Thanks much! You’ll see it in future Fri q’s! And great other two… admire and proud of as adult.

    Thanks you guys!

  3. Silly questions come to mind right now, but maybe they’re silly DEEP…

    * Who are you most absolutely positively unlike?
    * Which animal is your best animal?
    * Does hate have any utility or value?
    * Do you mind if a dog licks you on the face? What does that say about you? (this one is because my cat is licking me right now, and he’s not SUPPOSED to because he’s a cat, not a dog, but still he licks. Oy.)

  4. What’s your favourite “secret language/sign/in-joke/thing” you have with your partner?

    Which is what I’m curious about in other couples….

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