What Is Your Most Audacious Goal?

Q: What is the wildest, most incredible, most intense goal that you could imagine for yourself?
What is the most audacious, courageous, gung-ho, must-do goal that you can see in your head?

Feel free to answer this question with an anonymous name. Or with your own name. Answer it as crazily as you possibly can. As intently as you can! Ganbatte!

What’s your advice for good sleep?

What is your advice for good sleep?

I suggest these three things:

  • Create a relaxing bedtime ritual. Create cues for sleep.
  • Go to bed 10-11pm.
  • Read in bed until you’re tired enough to fall asleep.

Q: What do you find are the best things for you to do to get great sleep?

This is Quetion Friday. Thanks and happy weekend! For fun, check out yesterday’s quotes on sleep.

Question Friday: What are you optimistic about for 2007?!

I am playing off the Edge question of the year for 2007.

Q: What are you optimistic about for 2007?

My answers:
* I am optimistic about the fairly steady state of the world.
* I am optimistic about my friends making a good living this year.
* I am optimistic about a healthy life this year.
* I am optimistic about the idea that more people will give philanthropically this year.
* I am optimistic that I will publish a book this year.
* I am optimistic that the world is changeable.
* I am optimistic that I can be who and how I want to be this year.

This is Question Friday. I’d love to know what you think. You can make your answers anonymous if you like by writing ‘A–‘ or something like that at the name prompt of the comments.

What are you most looking forward to about the holidays?

Q: What are you most looking forward to about the holidays?

Often, there are a lot of things to do around the holidays. What are the best things that happen from the holidays? What are the best things that could happen!? What are the best things that will happen this year?

* Meeting good friends of good friends
* Smiling a lot
* Warm indoors places
* Cooking together with people
* Asking lots of questions
* Playing board games!

:) … And you?

Q: What are your favorite ways of being creative?

Here are Christine Kane’s 21 favorite ways to be more creative. I like many of them: the 20-minute walk, the go-see-a-gallery, go-hear-live-music. My favorite suggestion of hers is “read poetry aloud” (I found Christine’s blog through this post on the Life Coaches blog).

Q: What are your favorite ways to be creative?

* Sleep in on the weekends – best ideas around 10am on a lazy wakeup
* Get in front of an easel with paint
* Walk on the beach with a notebook
* Go hiking by myself
* Go to a music concert, symphony or chamber
* Read beautiful language
* Also, read Haruki Murakami and Isaac Bashives Singer

…And your ways? Would love to hear what you think! Great weekend to you!

Q: Which is your seesaw balance?

One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good – he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad – he and the world is destroyed.
~ Maimonides

People have different axes along which they find balance. Most people feel when they are in balance about many axes in their lives. The above quote is about feeling the moral balance, and leaning in the good direction. People can also feel balance, for example, in these parts of their lives:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Adventure
  • Alone-time
  • Fun vs. Work

And in each case, people can lean towards the good direction of balance. For example, if you wanted to feel YOUR OWN VERSION OF BALANCE (and I think balance is very personal) in “Fun vs. Work,” then you might resonate well with these words:

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
~ Robert Fulghum

If you wanted to keep your balance in the physical part of you, you might aim to get to the gym more, to eat more healthy foods. Different people have different needs for balance.

Today’s Question:
In which part of your life do you feel it is most important for you to have balance – and then after that, other things fall into place?

Specifically, your answer might be “stress balance” – when you have enough stress to keep you challenges but not too much so that you go nuts, that may be the optimal stress balance. It might be “alone-time balance,” a good balance between doing things on your won and with friends. Your answer might be “mental balance,” a good balance of being challenged mentally and being calm mentally. It might be “moral balance,” a good balance of making the correct and right decisions in your life.

For me, as long as I do good things physically, and as Maimonides said, “with the scale tipped to the good,” then the other parts of my life fall in line. Which balance is most important for you?!

And let’s end with some very important thoughts on balance! Especially as the temperature is going to be in the 30’s in the Northeast, in the U.S..

The balance of nature is reached when heating the house costs as much as going south for the winter.
~ James H. McGavran

Q: What quotes of yours … in a quotes book?!

Q: What quotes of yours would you want to be in a quotes compilation book?

* What is something that you say that your friends know sounds like a YOU-ism?
* What would you want attributed to you in a quote book? (For some reason, I am a little afraid of Scott-he-knows-who-I-mean answering this question in a public forum!)
* How would you describe life, the world, your main opinions?
* What are some of the most fun things you’ve ever said?

Thanks! My answers are in the comments and look forward to your answers in the comments too! :)