Taking Nick’s lead from yesterday’s business game, let’s turn it into this Friday Question:
What are you already doing right?!
Answers as usual in the comments – looking forward to reading yours.
:) Happy Friday, enjoy the great weather!
Chief People Officer partnering with CEOs/executives to help them WIN their next, ideal role
Taking Nick’s lead from yesterday’s business game, let’s turn it into this Friday Question:
What are you already doing right?!
Answers as usual in the comments – looking forward to reading yours.
:) Happy Friday, enjoy the great weather!
Comments are closed.
My answers:
1) Positive Psychology News Daily – great authors posting great articles
2) Coaching the clients that I am coaching
3) Writing
* Reading in this interesting field of positive psychology
* Exercise
* Increasingly interactive, highly visual, all-about-the-experience workshops
* Planning one big new thing
Loving my work
Exercise (it deserves a mention twice :))
Getting the company ready for launch this month
Writing in my “white book” is getting easier and easier
I’m sure I can think up a couple more if I tried…but I’m hungry so off to graze :)
Yeah, I already answered yesterday. I’m not commenting today.
(oh, I’m also working on closer relationships with my family)
oh well… I commented again!
Grim! I agree with you about the importance of exercise, and putting it twice! Nice about all those things you’re doing right! – Really nice! Major congrats! Grim, what is “the white book”?
Nick, the list you put down the other day is super! It’s about getting some things into motion – sometimes that’s all it takes! And then they stay in motion!